廖武藏 John Wu-Tzanq Liaw

生於台灣雲林,1966國立台灣師範大學藝術系畢業,考取1971年度日本政府獎學金公費留學考試赴日深造,1974日本國立東京教育大學研究所專攻工業設計,藝術學碩士畢。美國加州奧克蘭LANEY COLLEGE塑膠加工技術研究一年。曾專任教職於大同工學院工業設計系三年及台北科技大學工業設計系二十八年,兼科、系主任八年。並深諳廣告設計及室內設計實務。2006年移居加拿大溫哥華後,從事繪畫藝術創作、繪畫教學工作及藝術專欄。自2013年迄今,擔任加西台灣藝術家協會會長。畫風遊走於知性與感性的協調中,畫作的構思透過知性的分析及再構成,以及對色彩機能的應用,而後隨著感覺揮毫,務必達到知性的語言與感性的語言融會貫通的效果,發揮到求真、至善、盡美的境地。畫面極具構築性的美感且色彩豐富、活潑。




廖武藏 John Wu-Tzanq Liaw

Artistic Statement

To realize the goal-oriented concept, the artist has to create works with “conceptive creativity.” I believe “all thing in nature are beautiful to the keen observer.” My sensitivity and acute power of observation enable me to discover the beauty of nature and gain insight into its inner spirit. The “real world” is source material for my art work. With conceptive understanding I transcend the real world by processing it, so as to reconstitute and expand its intuitive beauty, and finally create a “possible world” with expressive techniques through conceptive creation.

Ultimately, the goal I am striving to achieve is the perfect harmony between the "intellectual" and the "emotional”. The intellectual approach allows communicative expression which is the faithful description of target subjects through meticulous analysis and reconstruction. It is the language of symbolic representation. The emotional approach is the interpretation of the artist’s powerful feelings for the target subject. It is the language of emotive expression. It is in the harmonious interaction of the intellectual and emotional that the paint attempts to search for the perfect effect in his works.

Taiwanese-Canadian artist Wu-Tzanq Liaw holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan, and a Master of Arts degree in Industrial Design at the Tokyo University of Education in Japan. He did research work on Plastic technology at Laney College, Oakland California. After that, he took up fulltime teaching at Tatung University for 3 years, and at the department of Industrial Design of the National Taiwan University of Technology for the next 28 years, during eight of which he was also head of the department and the faculty. Mr Liaw is also experienced in advertising and interior design. Since moving to Vancouver, British Columbia Canada in 2006, Mr. Liaw has continued with artistic creations in painting, art education and contributions to art columns. He has been the president of Western Canada Taiwanese Artist Society (WCTAS) since 2013and regularly held solo and joint exhibitions. Mr. Liaw’s style exemplifies the harmonious interaction of the intellectual and emotional. The artist conceives the initial idea for his works through intellectual analysis and reconstruction of the target subject and application of colour functionality. Then he allows his strokes to be directed by his feelings, striving to combine the language of the intellectual with the emotional to arrive at the ultimate truth, goodness and beauty. His artistic creations are vibrant and colourful with constructive esthetics